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发布时间:2016年03月23日 点击次数:

1)N Li, X Xu, Z Zheng, L Liu, Enhanced formability of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass in a supercooled liquid state by vibrational loading, Acta Materialia, 65, 400-411.

2)  Cheng  Zhang, Huan Zhou, Lin Liu,Laminar  Fe-based amorphous composite coatings with enhanced bonding strength and  impact resistance, Acta Materialia, Volume 72, 15 June 2014, Pages 239-251

3) Dong  Ye, Shu-Qun Wu, Yao Yu, Lin Liu, Xin-Pei Lu and Yue Wu, Patterned  graphene functionalization via mask-free scanning of micro-plasma jet  under ambient condition, Applied Physics Letters 104, 2014, 103105.

4)  Zhen  Deng, Cheng Zhang, Lin Liu. Chemically dealloyed MgCuGd metallic glass  with enhanced catalytic activity in degradation of phenol. Intermetallics, 52, 2014, 9-14.

5)  Lin Liu, Cheng Zhang, Fe-based amorphous coatings: Structures and properties, Thin Solid Films, Volume 561, 30 June 2014, Pages 70-86

6) Zhi-Gang Li,  Ning Li, Hua-Wen Jiang, Yuan-Yuan Xiong, Lin Liu, Deformation texture  evolution of pure aluminum sheet under electromagnetic bulging, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 589, 2014, 164-173

7)  M. Zhang, L. Liu. Correlation between flow and relaxation dynamics in supercooled metallic liquid. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 587, 25 March 2014, Pages 506-510

8)  Xiaona Xu, Ning Li, Lin LiuIntrinsic or extrinsic size-dependent deformation behavior of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass in supercooled liquid state? Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 589, 15 March 2014, Pages 524-530

9) Meng Zhang, Lan Hong Dai, Mechanical annealing in the flow of supercooled metallic liquid. Journal of Applied Physics,116, 2014, 053522.

10)  H.W.  Jiang, N. Li, Y.Y. Xiong, Z.G. Li, L. Liu, Deformation behavior and  microstructure evolution of pure Cu subjected to electromagnetic  bulging, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 593, 21 January 2014, Pages 127-135

11)   YiMei Wang, Yan Liu, Lin Liu. Fatigue behaviors of a Ni-free ZrCuFeAlAg bulk metallic glass in simulated body fluid. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, volume 30, 2014, pages 622-626.  

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