Enhanced electro-catalytic performance of Pd-based amorphous nanoporous
structure synthesized by dealloying Pd32Ni48P20 metallic glass
Abstract: Pd-based catalysts are of interest for their application in direct alcohol fuel cells. This is due to the excellent electro-catalytic performance and relatively low cost. In this work, by electrochemical dealloying of Pd32Ni48P20 metallic glass at a relatively low potential (0.85 V) in sulfuric acid solution, a novel Pd-based nanoporous structure, composed of amorphous nanoparticles and interconnected conduits has been successfully fabricated. By contrast, Pd-based nanoporous network structure, consisting of crystalline ligaments and porous channels, was also fabricated by dealloying at a high potential (0.88 V). The former exhibited an enhanced catalytic activity (up to 160% increase) over the latter toward methanol electro-oxidation in alkaline medium, benefiting with the combination of amorphism and nanoporosity of the dealloyed nano-products. The excellent electro-catalysis provides promising perspective of the Pd-based amorphous nanoporous structure for the application in direct alcohol fuel cells.