Corrosion Science:Ti38V15Nb23Hf24难熔高熵合金的高温氧化行为
The oxidation behavior of the Ti38V15Nb23Hf24 refractory high-entropy alloy (RHEA) in air was systematically studied in this work. Two distinct types of oxidation behavior were observed. Below 1000℃, a dense composite oxide scale with highly consistent lattice constant and crystallographic orientation was formed on the surface, while above 1000℃, internal oxidation with the formation of needle-like HfO2 occurred in the alloy matrix below the alloy-scale interface. The internal oxidation is caused by the sufficient inward-diffusing oxygen after the decomposition of dense outer oxide layer with sluggish oxygen diffusivity. This research provides new understanding for the development of new antioxidation RHEAs.
难熔高熵合金(Refractory High Entropy Alloys,RHEAs)因其具有本征高熔点,高稳定性和慢扩散等特性,有望在800℃甚至更高温度下服役,成为取代传统镍基高温合金的新一代耐高温金属材料。然而,难熔高熵合金较差的抗高温氧化性能限制了其广泛的应用,揭示高温氧化机制、提高抗高温氧化性能是该类材料的研究重点之一。
相关工作近期发表在腐蚀领域知名期刊Corrosion Science上。研究得到了国家自然科学基金委与香港研究资助局联合基金项目的资助(No. 52061160483和No. N_PolyU523/20)。

图1 难熔高熵合金TiVNbHf的氧化机制